jueves, 23 de febrero de 2012

30 Imágenes Surrealistas (Part 2)

Face Manipulation. You will be surprised yourself, and I will be scared. Nicely done with a funny manner.(Image Source: Thomas Cullen)

Face Off. This is so wrong man, but it’s scarily cool! (Image Source: Dědeček)

Freddy. “The ripped texture layer along with the mean look? Perfect combination! I bet he plays a kick@## bass! =)” – filam61 (Image Source: Glenn Karlsen)

Ghost Of Egypt. The eye of Horus, how magically done. (Image Source: pareeerica)

Half Life. I can’t believe you won’t recognize this idea if you’re a Half Life player, and yes this is actually one of the Halve’s logo. Really love this, seriously yet funnily done! (Image Source: adnrey)

Parée & Nefertiti Blend. What can I say? It blends perfectly. (Image Source: pareeerica)

Reface. Unique concept and look at the slice… neat! (Image Source: Kosmur)

Refraction. Perfectly photoshopped piece with significant amount of aesthetic, I love this face. (Image Source:adnrey)

Rim Job. “Test shot with new ‘strip lights’ I constructed. Used them for rim lighting on the edges (notice the light outlining my face/shoulders!?)” (Image Source: RubberSun)

Scared. Terrific manipulation and processing, and what’s terrific more, you can actually learn to do the same from this 2 part tutorial! (Image Source: Tutzor)

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